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Monday 26 July 2010

Summer Vegetable Salad Two-Ways

I regularly get temped by the amazing produce at the farmer's market, even if I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. Sure, sometimes it sits in my fridge for weeks until I throw it away, disgusted with myself for wasting money. But sometimes, I find an amazing use for it and am thankful I took the risk. This time, I was happy to have taken the risk.

This week, it was green beans. My husband hates them (the texture freaks him out), but I love them. So unless I make them for myself, I don't use them; I hate having to make something different for myself because it seems like a lot of work and even a bit selfish. So I leave them to mold in the fridge.

But this last Sunday, I had to make dinner really quickly because we were both starving by the time we actually got to making it. We had a beautiful piece of halibut and some lovely new potatoes that I knew would make a good mash. That's when inspiration struck. I decided to chop up tons of vegetables and make a quick summer salad. It was delicious, quick, and a great way to get lots of vegetables into one meal.

We had lots of leftovers, so I decided to use them as the base for a pasta "sauce." It was also delicious and incredibly healthy.

Here are both recipes with some not-very-pretty photos. Remember that this recipe is extremely versatile, so don't be afraid to mix it up!

Summer Vegetable Salad

Makes enough for 6 as a side dish, or four if used as a pasta sauce. Shown above with halibut and mashed potatoes.
20 green beans, topped and trimmed to 1/2 inch pieces
10 cherry tomatoes (I used golden ones), cut into quarters, cores/seeds/juices left in
1 ear corn (I used one raw ear, and some 1/3 of an ear I had cooked the day before)
1/2 cup peas (mine were pre-cooked leftovers)
2 carrots, peeled and chopped into brunoise (very small dice)
3 Tbs olive oil
15-20 basil leaves, cut chiffonade
1 Tbs good balsamic vinegar
1 sprig thyme, rosemary, etc. (optional)
2 green onions, chopped into small rounds (optional)
salt & pepper to taste

Heat a pan and add 2 Tbs of olive oil. Saute the carrots for 4-5 minutes, or until slightly soft. At that point, add the green beans, and the corn if using it raw. Give it 2-3 more minutes, stirring frequently. At this point, add salt, pepper, and the rest of the oil. Finally, add the peas and corn (if using cooked). When everything seems pretty soft and cooked, add the tomatoes (including juices, etc.), basil, balsamic vinegar, other herbs, green onions, and final seasoning to taste. Remove from heat and adjust oil/vinegar/herbs. Enjoy!

Summer Vegetable Pasta Salad
To assemble:
Pasta, cooked according to directions on packet
Summer vegetable salad, made according to directions above
Artichokes, canned fish, other vegetables, etc. (optional)
Parmesan cheese, freshly grated (amount needed varies according to taste)
1 Tbs butter
Extra olive oil and balsamic vinegar

Cook the pasta and drain it, stirring and adding a bit of oil so that it doesn't stick or clump. In the same pot you made the pasta in, add the butter and the vegetables. Heat for 1-2 minutes, then add any other ingredients you want - I used canned tuna and artichokes. Finally, add back in the pasta and stir to coat. At this point, season to taste, and add about 1 tsp of balsamic vinegar and a splash of olive oil (if needed to make it more "saucy"). Remove from the pot, and grate the parmesan cheese over the top.

Can you do anything else with this salad? Sure! Add it to couscous, quinoa, lentils, beans, etc.! Change up the vegetables! Mix up the herbs! Add mustard and make it into a salad dressing! The possibilities are endless!

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